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3 Life Lessons the Wolf Learned from the Hummingbird

Hummingbird “humming” in the Sonoran Desert.

Humming Birds in the Sonoran Desert

More than a dozen different hummingbird species hover, dip and zoom around Southern Arizona, and you’re sure to see your fair share during your Sonoran Desert tour. Even though it may seem like a formidable wolf like myself wouldn’t pay much attention to these flighty little critters, they’ve actually taught me several valuable lessons.

Do your own thing. Hummingbirds are dedicated loners who do their own thing. They don’t fly in flocks, only come together to mate and insist on having their own space. Male hummingbirds actually chase other males out of their territory, which can be a hoot! This doesn’t mean I’m about to give up my awesome wolf pack, but it does mean I try to be original and not just blindly follow the crowd.

Be brilliant. Hummingbirds have the most brilliant, iridescent colors. They’re no slouches in the brains department, either. They have the biggest brains, based on body size, of all the birds out there. Their memories are so keen they remember every flower in their territory, how long each flower takes to refill its nectar, and where they can find every feeder at their migration destinations and along their migration path.

Eat several small meals per day. Folks in the health and fitness industry have long been promoting this habit, and they may have gotten it from the hummingbird. These super-fast birds have to feed on sugary nectar nearly constantly throughout the day to fuel their accelerated metabolism. The fitness folks might frown on all that sugar, but the timing is right.

Not only are they independent, smart and blessed with wise eating habits, but hummingbirds are the coolest things to watch zipping around the desert.

Book an ATV rental tour and we’ll point them out.

They may even dive-bomb you hello!

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Desert Museum – Hummingbirds
Hummingbird Behavior

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